
"Music doesn't exist before a performance and will never happen again, never the same."

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"Music doesn't exist before a performance and will never happen again, never the same."

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Rossini presentation-recital 24-02-2020, Athens
Solo piano recital in Campobasso 22-10-2020
Rossini presentazione Roma 19 Giugno 2021
Duo Oliva ex GIL, 8-10-2021
Presentazione CD Beethoven, S. Francesca 14-11-2021 Roma
Bellabronte Campobasso 3-12-2021
Beethoven CD presentation Athens 23-12-2021
Paris philomuses, 2-6-2022
Warsaw Mythos 21/06/2022
Zagarolo Oct2022
London duo Zacharias -10-10-2022
London quintet 14 October 2022
Megaron Zacharias 19-10-2022
Viterbo - Mythos Trio, November 2022
Mythos Campobasso 17-11-2022
Mythos Cava de' Tirreni -26-11-2022
Verona- Mythos
Campobasso - Mythos
Pietrabbondante George Simona
Penteliko Festival 2023
Kerkyra Paparizou
Bremen duo Vidalaki 3 nov 2023
Vidalaki Nov 2023
Latina-Mythos 2023
Trevignano 2023-Mythos consonanza
Belluno -Mythos-nov2023
Mythos Trio Cava Dic 2023
Χανιά 2023- Vidalaki
ERT Jan 2024
Vidalaki Rome 2024
KOA 10/05/2024
Musicopaideia 8 febbraio
Concerto Orchestra sinfornica Molise Benevento
Concerto Orchestra sinfonica del molise Campobasso
Viterbo canto 2025
Viterbo Mythos 2025
Campobasso recital Oct.2025
Belluno Mythos 2025


May 3

Benevento, Italy

Concerto with orchestra

Collaboration as a soloist with Orchestra Sinfonica del Molise

Mikis Theodorakis: Suite No.1, for piano and orchestra


May 4

Campobasso, Italy

Concerto with orchestra

Collaboration as a soloist with Orchestra Sinfonica del Molise

Mikis Theodorakis: Suite No.1 for piano and orchestra



Viterbo, Italy

Chamber music recital

Recital in Viterbo Festival “I bemolli sono blu” together with soprano Zoi Papamalama and tenor David Barrios


October 10

Viterbo, Italy

Mythos Trio recital

Chamber music concert in Viterbo, Festival “I bemolli sono blu” together with Mythos Trio

C. Debussy: Trio for violin, cello and piano

G. F. Ghedini: Two intermezzi for violin, cello and piano

D. Shostakovich: Trio No.2 for violn, cello and piano



Campobasso, Italy

Solo piano recital

Solo piano recital in Campobasso, Italy

J. C. Bach: Sonata Op.17, No.2 in C minor

F. Schubert – F. Liszt: “Gretchen am Spinnrade”, “Auf dem wasser zu singen”

F. Liszt: Ballade No.2, S.171

R. Schumann: Carnaval Op.9



Belluno, Italy

Mythos Trio recital

Chamber music recital in Belluno Italy, together with Mythos Trio

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November 21

Belluno, Italy

Mythos Trio chamber music recital in Belluno

Auditorium del Liceo Lollino, Circolo Musicale Bellunese, 20:30

Mythos Trio chamber music recital in Belluno

Auditorium del Liceo Lollino, Circolo Musicale Bellunese, 20:30

F. Margola: Trio No.2 in A for violin, cello and piano

S. Rachmaninov: Trio élégiaque No. 1 in G minor for piano, violin and cello

D. Shostakovich: Trio No.2, Op.67 in E minor for violin, cello and piano


November 12

Trevignano romano

Chamber music recital in Trevignano romano together with Mythos Trio

60th Nuova Consonanza festival

Chamber music recital in Trevignano romano together with Mythos Trio – 60th Nuova Consonanza festival

Sala del Comune di Trevignano

F. Margola (1908-1992): Trio No.2 in A for violin, cello and piano

Federico Gon (1982): Trio n. 2 “Three Horror Landscapes”* (2023)

Leanna Ciciriello (1987): L’invisibile è dell’Anima* (2023)

Younghi Pagh-Paan (1945): Silbersaiten I (2002)

D. Shostakovich (1906-1975): Trio No.2, Op.67 in E minor for violin, cello and piano



November 11

Latina, Italy

Chamber music recital in Latina together with Mythos Trio

60th Nuova Consonanza festival


Chamber music recital in Latina together with Mythos Trio – 60th Nuova Consonanza festival

Circolo Cittadino Sante Palumbo, 18:00

F. Margola (1908-1992): Trio No.2 in A for violin, cello and piano

Federico Gon (1982): Trio n. 2 “Three Horror Landscapes”* (2023)

Leanna Ciciriello (1987): L’invisibile è dell’Anima* (2023)

Younghi Pagh-Paan (1945): Silbersaiten I (2002)

D. Shostakovich (1906-1975): Trio No.2, Op.67 in E minor for violin, cello and piano